Thank you, WebPartners Affiliates for participating and promoting this years NFL SuperContest(s) nearly a half million was awarded between these 2 contests and over 1 million has been awarded alone from the Mybookie Contests this year in 2020.
In this years Affiliate Super Contest bracket, winners were awarded with an additional $3000 top 5 prizepool for the $300K top 5 (technically 6 due to a tie for 2nd) finishers and $1000 for the $100K top 5 affiliate participants. Additionally 4x $200 quarterly prizes were awarded for leading the quarterly stages.
Big congratulations to the winners, you’ll now see you balances adjusted with the cash prizes.

The $300K SuperContest for players was very successful paying out one luckly winner $125,000 up top and 230 other top finishers from a prizepool of $300K. Additionally 4x $12,500 quarterly prizes were paid out to the contestants that accumulate the most points during each quarter of the Pro Football Regular Season. These quarters will be broken down as:
- 1st Quarter: Week 1 through Week 4
- 2nd Quarter: Week 5 through Week 8
- 3rd Quarter: Week 9 through Week 12
- 4th Quarter: Week 13 through Week 16

From the 100K SuperContest results this one paid out deeper to the top 750 finishers with a grand prize of $25K to the overall winner. Additionally 4x $5000 quarterly prizes were paid out to the contestants that accumulate the most points during each quarter of the Pro Football Regular Season. These quarterly prizes are broken down same as above.

Look forward to next year’s Super Contest, as this one keeps to be growing interest and prizepool.