After Week 6 the current leader ProSportspickss is still running strong with 24 pts. Aside from a poor result in week 6 (2 pts), has been on a tear averaging 4 out of 5 pts each week. There is still time to catch him.
I still see a few names listed as their default ENTRY name. If you can remember to update it will help us identify you and allow for you to brag about your amazing win streaks to others.
Where you can update your entry name.
After you enter: $5k Affiliate Super Contest
Click on the pencil to edit your Entry name.

For more details on how to enter please read this page:
WebPartners SuperContest Prizepool is for $5000
- 1st Place – $2000
- 2nd Place $1250
- 3rd Place $850
- 4th Place $550
- 5th Pace $350
Quarterly $100 Prizes can still be won in each Quarter ie. (Weeks 1-4), (5-8), (9-12), (13-16).
Good luck everyone!